About Angel

Angel (fullname Miguel Angel Brandon Gomez) was born in Iquitos in 1986 however he spent most of his younger life living with his father in the Pucallpa area. He lived in a small jungle village at a very young age until he was about 5 years old and then moved to the city where he went to school.

When he was 17 he gained a scholarship at the EIGER Institute where he studied English for 3 years. He also worked as a fisherman and helped harvesting palm trees.

From a young age Angel felt a close affinity with the jungle and would regularly enter and explore the jungle by himself.

He returned to Iquitos in 2008, at the age of 21, and soon got involved in tourism. He then worked for one year with Amazonia Expedition where he trained as a professional jungle guide and learned a lot about jungle biology and ecology.